
Settings can be managed in the Control Panel Sprout Forms → Settings or via a config file in config/sprout-forms.php


return [
    // The name to display in the control panel in place of the plugin name
    'pluginNameOverride' => 'Sprout Forms',

    // The default templates that will be used to output your forms when using
    // the displayForm tag if no Form Templates are selected for a given form
    'formTemplateId' => 'barrelstrength\sproutforms\formtemplates\AccessibleTemplates',

    // Disable this setting to stop Sprout Forms from saving all
    // form submission data to the Craft database
    'enableSaveData' => true,

    // Whether to save Entries flagged as spam to the database
    'saveSpamToDatabase' => false,

    // The default behavior for saving data when a new Form is created
    'enableSaveDataDefaultValue' => true,

    // Enable to capture the IP Address used when a Form Entry is saved
    'trackRemoteIp' => false,

    // The form section that will be selected by default in the
    // sidebar navigation ('forms' or 'entries')
    'defaultSection' => 'entries',

    // Enable this setting to allow users to edit existing form entries in
    // front-end templates. Enabling this feature may have some workflow or
    // security considerations as forms allow anonymous submissions.
    'enableEditFormEntryViaFrontEnd' => false,

    // The behavior your user will see if a submission is flagged as spam
    // 'redirectAsNormal' - will simulate a successful submission and direct
    //   the user to the Redirect Page.
    // 'redirectBackToForm - will return the user to the form. All failed
    //   captchas are logged on the Spam Entries saved in the database.
    'spamRedirectBehavior' => 'redirectAsNormal',

    // The total number of Spam entries that will be stored in the database.
    // When the limit is reached, the least recently updated Spam entry will
    // be deleted from the database.
    'spamLimit' => 500,

    // The probability that the Spam cleanup task will run each time a
    // Form Entry is saved. A lower probability will trigger a cleanup task
    // less often and the number of Spam Entries stored in the database may
    // be higher than the Spam Limit target until the cleanup task is triggered.
    // 0 - None
    // 100000 - 1 in 10
    // 10000 - 1 in 100
    // 1000 - selected>1 in 1,000
    // 100 - 1 in 10,000
    // 10 - 1 in 100,000
    // 1 - 1 in 1,000,000
    'cleanupProbability' => 1000,

    // Individual captcha settings
    // Additional Captchas can be found in the Plugin Store:
    // Custom Captchas can be added via the Captcha API
    'captchaSettings' => [
        'barrelstrength\sproutforms\captchas\DuplicateCaptcha' => [
            'enabled' => true,
        'barrelstrength\sproutforms\captchas\JavascriptCaptcha' => [
            'enabled' => true,
        'barrelstrength\sproutforms\captchas\HoneypotCaptcha' => [
            'enabled' => true,
            'honeypotFieldName' => 'beesknees',
            'honeypotScreenReaderMessage' => 'Leave this field blank'

    // Show/Hide the Notifications tab in Sprout Forms
    'showNotificationsTab' => true,

    // Show/Hide the Reports tab in Sprout Forms
    'showReportsTab' => true,

Front-end Editing

Forms are submitted anonymously by users, so unlike Entries which have Authors, you will need to manage and authenticate any users who are editing your front-end Forms.

# Entry Statuses

Entry Status settings can only be edited in the Control Panel.

By default, Form Entries default to an Unread status and can be updated and marked Read. Entries that trigger Captcha errors will be given the Spam status. Rename the default statuses or customize additional Entry Statuses to fit your workflows in the settings.

Last Updated: 11/23/2023, 10:32:53 PM