
Form Elements allow users to create and manage single and multi-page online forms within Craft CMS. Forms can be submit via AJAX or via a standard page request. Content authors can add Form Fields, tabs, and customize a form's settings such as a custom Title Format, Success and Error messages, Redirect behavior, and Submit Button text.

When forms are submitted, a form Entry will be created in your Craft database. Send Notification Emails to confirm receipt with the user or notify admins that a new Entry is ready for review. Run and export Reports to learn more.

# Form Templates

Forms are displayed on your website using Form Templates. Sprout Forms comes with two Default Form Templates and your web team can customize and style those templates using Template Overrides or by building a Custom Form Template integration.

Front-end validation, error states, accessibility, and submitting your form data will be managed from your Form Templates.

Form Templates can be set globally or customized on a per-form basis. You can switch between Form Templates via the Form Templates dropdown field in the global settings or (if enabled) on an individual form's settings.

# Templating

To make a form available to your users, you will need to display it in your templates. This can be done for a specific form or, for scenarios such as landing pages, you can let your content authors select or build a custom form for a specific page.

# A specific form

Display a specific form on a specific page in your templates like so:

{{ craft.sproutForms.displayForm('contactForm') }}

# A chosen form

Add a Form Relations Field to a Field Layout to allow a content author to select any available Form to display on a particular page.

{% set formHandle = %}

{{ craft.sproutForms.displayForm( formHandle ) }}

# Template Tags

While the primary tag you will use in your templates is the displayForm tag, there are several tags to be aware of if you begin using Template Overrides or get into more advanced use cases.


You can access your Form Element directly using the form tag.

{# Returns a barrelstrength\sproutforms\elements\Form #}
{% set form = craft.sproutForms.form('contact') %}


The displayForm tag renders the HTML for all files defined in your Form Templates.

{{ craft.sproutForms.displayForm('contactForm') }}


The displayTab tag is called within the displayForm tag and renders each individual tab defined in your form and all fields within it.

{% for tab in form.getFieldLayout().getTabs() %}
    {{ craft.sproutForms.displayTab(form,, renderingOptions) }}
{% endfor %}


The displayField tag is called within the displayTab tag and renders each individual field defined in your Tab's Field Layout.

{% set layoutFields = tab.getFields() %}

{% for field in layoutFields -%}
    {{ craft.sproutForms.displayField(form, field, renderingOptions) }}
{% endfor %}

# Form Relations Field

Sprout Forms adds a Form Relations Field to Craft CMS:

  • Forms (Sprout Forms)

# Settings

# Redirects

Sprout Forms allows you to set a redirect for your Form in the Form Settings or in the template.

<form method="post" action="" accept-charset="UTF-8">

    <input type="hidden" name="action" value="sprout-forms/entries/save-entry">
    <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="contact">
    {{ redirectInput("contact?message=thankyou") }}

    {# All of your fields here #}

    <input type="submit" value="Submit">


Your redirect value can be an absolute URL, relative URL, or use the dynamic {siteUrl} variable:

Example redirect values:

  • /thank-you
  • thank-you
  • ?message=success
  • thank-you?message=success
  • {siteUrl}
Last Updated: 11/23/2023, 10:32:53 PM