Form Fields

Form Fields enable you to add new Fields to the Form Builder and manage its field settings and front-end output.

See the following plugins for examples:

# Register Event

Once you have created your Custom Form Field, register your Form Field class with Sprout Forms to display your Form Field in the Form Builder.

namespace barrelstrength\sproutformsrangeslider;

use barrelstrength\sproutforms\services\Fields;
use barrelstrength\sproutforms\events\RegisterFieldsEvent;
use barrelstrength\sproutformsrangeslider\integrations\sproutforms\fields\RangeSlider;
use Craft;
use craft\base\Plugin;
use yii\base\Event;

class SproutFormsRangeSlider extends Plugin
    public function init()
        Event::on(Fields::class, Fields::EVENT_REGISTER_FIELDS, function(RegisterFieldsEvent $event) {
            $event->fields[] = new RangeSlider();

# Custom Front-End Fields

To create a field that extends the Sprout Forms Front-end Field API, you'll need to do the following:

  1. Create a field class that extends SproutFormsBaseField
  2. Add the getInputHtml() method to your field class
  3. Add the registerSproutFormsFields() in your plugin class

# Field Class

The field class naming convention we recommend is: {PluginHandle}{FieldType}{Field}.


Like a back-end field type, your front end field gets to decide what html to render to capture user input.


public function getInputHtml($field, $value, $settings, array $renderingOptions = null)
$field            > The FieldModel we're providing front end rending for
$value            > The value associated with that field type
$settings         > The settings associated with that field type
$renderingOptions > Options available to displayForm(), displayTab(), displayField() tags

In addition to the arguments, you should make sure to return a \Twig_Markup object from this method so that your HTML is not escaped.


This method should be called just before your render your front end field template inside of getInputHtml()

This is due to how we're allowing the user to override form, tab, and field templates for style customization.

Not calling beginRendering() could cause your template to not be found.


This method should be called just after you finish rendering your front end field template.

Not calling endRendering() could cause your template or Sprout Forms' own templates to not be found.


Because Sprout Forms allows the user to customize/override the default templates (form.html, tab.html, field.html, errors.html), we need to switch the template path a few times during rendering of all fields.

This method is your chance to make sure your templates are found when your field is rendered.

From this method, you should return the absolute path to your templates folder so that we can switch to it if you're rendering a template via getInputHtml()

If we follow the instructions above, our getInputHtml() and getTemplatesPath() might look something like this:

public function getInputHtml($field, $value, $settings, array $renderingOptions = null)

    $rendered = craft()->templates->render(
            'name'             => $field->handle,
            'value'            => $value,
            'field'            => $field,
            'settings'         => $settings,
            'renderingOptions' => $renderingOptions


    return TemplateHelper::getRaw($rendered);

public function getTemplatesPath()
    return dirname(__FILE__).'/myplugin/templates/';

# Accessing variables in templates

If your field to be able to access variables within the template where your field is being rendered, a user can use the craft.sproutForms.addFieldVariables() method to make those variables available to your field.

# Examples

If you'd like to take a peek at how we're using this API, you can look in the craft/plugins/sproutforms/integrations folder.

All the default fields that we provide front end rendering for, are using this very API!

Last Updated: 11/23/2023, 10:32:53 PM