Barrel Strength offers free training to help you get up to speed on our Sprout Plugins and Craft CMS. Join us to improve your own understanding of Craft CMS and the plugin ecosystem or invite your team for a small group session.
# Sprout Plugins
If you've recently purchased a Sprout plugin or are just curious about having a high-level understanding of all that Sprout can bring to your projects, schedule a free, half-hour coaching session. We're happy to dive into whatever topic you'd like to get a better understanding around. Some topics we've discussed in the past:
- A general overview of Sprout Business Suite
- Business goals around SEO, Email Marketing, and Reporting
- Design a content architecture for reusable landing pages with Forms
- Custom metadata for Social Sharing and Structured Data
- Customizing Form Templates and Email Templates using Twig
- Extending Sprout Plugins with new features such as additional Form Fields, Mailers, and custom reports
- Data migrations
- And more...
Schedule a Sprout Coaching Session
# Craft CMS
For a more general overview, Barrel Strength also offers two introductory group training sessions for Craft CMS and Craft Commerce via Straight Up Craft:
- Introduction to Craft CMS
- Introduction to Craft Commerce
Find more details and links to sign up on the Craft Training page on Straight Up Craft.