Supported Data Types

Sprout Import supports importing over 40 different data types.

# Craft CMS data types

  • Elements - Assets, Categories, Entries, Tags, Users
  • Settings - Sections, Entry Types, Fields
  • Fields - Assets, Categories, Checkboxes, Color, Date/Time, Dropdown, Entries, Lightswitch, Matrix, Multi-select, Number, Plain Text, Radio Buttons, Table, Tags, Users

# Craft Commerce data types

  • Elements - Products (with Variants), Orders

# Sprout Plugins data types

Sprout Forms

  • Elements - Forms, Form Entries
  • Fields - Form Relations, Form Entry Relations,

Sprout Email

  • Elements - Notification Emails, Campaign Emails
  • Settings - Campaign Types

Sprout SEO

  • Elements - Redirects
  • Fields - Element Metadata

Sprout Fields

  • Fields - Address, Email, Gender, Name, Notes, Phone Field, Predefined, Regular Expression, URL

# Custom Field data types

Sprout Import should be able to import any custom field you have in your field layout. You'll just need to format the JSON for that field to match how the field would be submitted in the saveElement request.

Some common third-party fields that Sprout Import supports:

  • Fields - Neo, SuperTable, SmartMap, Position Select, Rich Text, etc.