
Settings can be managed in the Control Panel Sprout Redirects → Settings or via a config file in config/sprout-redirects.php


return [
    // The name to display in the control panel in place of the plugin name
    'pluginNameOverride' => 'Sprout Redirects',

    // Process Redirect rules and log 404 requests.
    'enableRedirects' => true,

    // Log 'Page Not Found' errors as 404 Redirects
    'enable404RedirectLog' => false,

    // How to match 404 requests with Redirect records already captured in
    //the database.
    // urlWithQueryStrings: match the entire URL including query strings
    // urlWithoutQueryStrings: remove all parameters from the request URL
    //   before searching for a match
    'redirectMatchStrategy' => 'urlWithoutQueryStrings',

    // How to treat query strings after processing a redirect
    // removeQueryStrings - remove the query string from the incoming
    //   URL entirely
    // appendQueryStrings - add any query string from the incoming URL to
    //   the New Url
    'queryStringStrategy' => 'removeQueryStrings',

    // Enable to capture the IP Address used when a 404 request is saved
    'trackRemoteIp' => false,

    // The target number of 404 Redirects that will be stored in the database
    // per-site, after the cleanup task runs.
    'total404Redirects' => 250,

    // The probability that the 404 Redirect cleanup task will run each
    // web request
    // 0 - None
    // 100000 - 1 in 10
    // 10000 - 1 in 100
    // 1000 - selected>1 in 1,000
    // 100 - 1 in 10,000
    // 10 - 1 in 100,000
    // 1 - 1 in 1,000,000
    'cleanupProbability' => 1000,

    // Add any regular expression patterns you wish to exclude from the
    // Redirect log. Overriding this setting will override any updates made by
    // the "Add to Excluded URLs" action.
    // 'excludedUrlPatterns' => ''
Last Updated: 11/23/2023, 10:32:53 PM