Overriding Images
You can override an Open Graph or Twitter Card image in your templates.
# Overriding Open Graph Images
When overriding the image attribute dynamically in your templates, you need to use an absolute url.
{% do craft.sproutSeo.meta({ default: 'blog', ogImage: 'https://website.com/images/share.jpg', }) %}
Open Graph images have the option to set several additional attributes.
{% do craft.sproutSeo.meta({ default: 'blog', ogImage: entry.assets.first().getUrl(), ogImageHeight: entry.assets.first().getHeight(), ogImageWidth: entry.assets.first().getWidth(), ogImageType: entry.assets.first().mimeType }) %}
# Overriding Twitter Card Images
Twitter Cards images only need the image url.
{% do craft.sproutSeo.meta({ default: 'blog', twitterImage: entry.assets.first().getUrl() }) %}