Events & Hooks

Sprout Forms can be extended using the following Events and Hooks.

# Events

# Before a Form Entry is saved

Raised before an entry is saved.



  • entry – The submitted SproutForms_EntryModel
  • isNewEntry - A boolean indicating whether this is a brand new form entry

# After a Form Entry is Saved

Raised just after an entry is saved



  • entry – The submitted SproutForms_EntryModel
  • isNewEntry - A boolean indicating whether this is a brand new form entry

# Hooks

# Template Hook

The sproutForms.modifyForm Template Hook gives plugins a chance to dynamically add content to a form template. The hook will output content between the <form> tags when using the displayForm tag.

public function init() {   craft()->templates->hook('sproutForms.modifyForm', function(&$context)   {     $content = '<div><input type="hidden" name="spammityspam" value="spam"></div>';     return TemplateHelper::getRaw($content);   }); }