Element Importers

Add support for importing any custom Element by creating a custom Element Importer integration. Element Importers allow you to take advantage of Craft's Element API and common behaviors consistent across Elements.

To add support for your custom Element you will need to:

  1. Create an Element Importer class that extends barrelstrength\sproutbase\contracts\sproutimport\BaseElementImporter
  2. Register your Element Importer

To register your Element Importer, you can register your custom Element Importer class using the EVENT_REGISTER_IMPORTER_TYPES event:

use barrelstrength\sproutbase\services\sproutimport\Importers;

Event::on(Importers::class, Importers::EVENT_REGISTER_IMPORTER_TYPES, function(RegisterComponentTypesEvent $event) {
    $event->types[] = FormElementImporter::class;
    $event->types[] = EntryElementImporter::class;

Please refer to example Element Importers in sproutimport/src/integrations/sproutimport/elements and sproutbase/src/contracts/sproutimport/Importer and sproutbase/src/contracts/sproutimport/BaseElementImporter for more details.

# Element Integrations

The following Elements have Element Importer integrations:

  • Sprout Email Campaign Email Element
  • Sprout Email Notification Email Element
  • Sprout Forms Form Element
  • Sprout Forms Form Entry Element
  • Sprout SEO Redirect Element
Last Updated: 11/23/2023, 10:32:53 PM